How Safe Are Dental Implants If You Have Diabetes?
How Safe Are Dental Implants If You Have Diabetes?
Blog Article
In today’s time, your lifestyle conditions get bitter if you have diabetes, where your body loses its ability to control the blood sugar levels. Diabetes tends to slow down our healing if sometimes we suffer from other problems and diseases in our bodies. Consequently, it raises further queries and confusion in people’s minds, willing to take other treatments for different situations.
Such a treatment is the dental implant. Since diabetes ruins one’s overall health, a missing tooth can even worsen the situation with time. A missing tooth has the probability to cause your cheeks to sag and bring more signs of aging to your face than age itself can. Since it takes three months to get healed from a dental implant and titanium posts are inserted into your jawbone, diabetes may cause a great problem for people looking to get implants.
In such a case, the question for diabetic persons regarding their safety for dental implants becomes completely legitimate to ask. So, let us take a quick look at all the required answers before going for a dental implant procedure:
Diabetes’ Impact On Dental Implant
Diabetes affects the whole body in several ways that can be described as disruptive. If any diabetic person wants to replace a missing tooth, there are many options. A dental implant is usually preferred by people when they need a long-lasting treatment, recreating the natural tooth as closely as it can and providing support to the rest of the teeth.
However, it all depends on the body’s healing power, so the root can be integrated into the jawbone. It is followed by the gums healing around the implant, making the implant seem like a real tooth and a more permanent solution than bridges and dentures. However, diabetes significantly increases the chances of implant failure.
Although implants' success rates are considerably high, they can fail too if proper care is not taken. And diabetes plays a major role in significantly reducing success rates.
Whether It Is Safe Or Not
Yes, if your health is completely fine and your diabetes is under control, you can definitely get a dental implant. In fact, a dental implant is a better option to help you heal and follow a diabetes-based diet as compared to bridges and dentures. You don’t even have to worry about implant failure if you are physically fit. And to know whether you can get an implant or not, it is always advisable to disclose your medical status to your dentist.
Dental implants are safe for people with diabetes, but it is more important to maintain and monitor your health before getting them. A comprehensive examination before the tooth implant procedure is a must. For the best results and complete care for all your dental needs, meet the dental experts at the World of Dentistry.